Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Lesson Before Dying: Chapters 1-10

Identify main characters.

  • Jefferson
    • wrongfully convicted for a murder of  Alcee Grope/robery
    • sentence to death
    • called a hog
    • unfair jury
  • Brother and Bear
    • Both died in the beginning 
    • they were the ones who committed the robbery and murder
  • Miss Emma
    • Jefferson's godmom
    • wants him to die knowing he's a man
    • kind women
    • Former worker for the white man
  • Grant 
    • Narrator 
    • Teacher
    • Nephew of Tante Lou
    • Involved with a married women
    • mean/conflicted
  • Tante Lou
    • Aunt of Grant
    • Friend of Miss Emma
    • Strong minded person
  • Henri Pichot
    • White man
    • Brother of the sheriff
    • Must be important
    • Is willing to use his power to "help"
  • Vivian Baptiste
    • Someone Grant is involved with
    • Married has children
    • Also a teacher
    • "Fine Brown"
    • she is described to have soft light brown skin, high cheek bones, and greenish brown eyes
    • Loved kids and took her job seriously

Identify symbols or traditions--rituals.

  • Entering through the back door
  • Death by electrocution
  • Hog
  • Westcott Ruler
    • Whipping 

Identify words or phrases that have a special meaning.

  • Hog
  • Never entering through the back door

Discuss how the characters respond to their communities and/or change in their

environment. What is the main character's flaw?

  • How the character respond to their communities is they deal with adversity the best way they know how. For instance grant isn't good with dealing with things he takes them out on the kids. The flaw of Grant is he doesn't know how to handle outside things for instance its too much for him. He's forgetting where he came from.

Identify the setting - country, tribe, city, state, time period.

  •  Bayonne, Louisiana, before the civil rights, and after slavery.

Bring a question

Why does Miss. Emma want her son so bad to die knowing he's a man? Why does she think he doesn't know this?