Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tree Shaker: Chapters 5-8

Main characters:

  • Nelson Mandela
    • resistance
    • persistent in his fight for equality
    • Formed an ANC unit in cellblock
    • Changed the whole prison scene
    • had good self-control
    • was freed February 1990
    • won a noble peace prize in 1993
  • Winnie Mandela
    • while away from her husband she became a rebel
    • hung with thugs
    • urged people to be violent

Symbols or traditions--rituals:

  • Protest
  • The treatment of blacks vs. other races
  • AIDs

Words or phrases that have a special meaning:

  • savages
  • AIDs
  • Nelson Mandela

Discuss how the characters respond to their communities and/or change in their environment. What is the main character's flaw?

  • Mandel responded to his community by standing up for them, he also became president and made things better for the Africans and people of Africa, however, he did so humbly addressing everyone who took part in overthrowing the Apartheid. 

The setting - country, tribe, city, state, time period:

  • Robben island during the time of the apartheid 1948-1994
    • Miniature Apartheid
    • Turned into a Musume after Mandela was elected president

Bring a question:

  • What if De Klerk would have won the election? What if no one stood up to Apartheid, what would South Africa be like today. 

One sentence summary:

Chapter 5 of  4: Robben Island University

  • Chapter 4  takes place on Robben Island, the prison. This chapter touches on the prison system and the Apartheid that was happening in the prison and out side the prsion, it talks about the protest and the reactions of the people. 

Chapter 6 of 5: The Road To Power

  • the apartheid system is ended and Mandela becomes president. In this chapter the road to power wasn't sweet at all a lot of people died but the outcome was great, not only that but South Africa was beginning to change it's Apartheid ways and beginning to heal

Chapter 7 of 6: President Mandela

  • This chapter takes readers through a journey of a day with nelson Mandela. He shares with the readers his duties and the things he has done, this chapter talks about the old government and how it had made things worse but however thanks to Mandela things are better.

Chapter 8 of 0: Afterword: Saviors and Politicians

  • This chapter concludes Tree shaker, by talking about Nelson Mandela and his humbleness as well as other people who have help during the Apartheid. 

Tree Shaker: Chapters 1-4

Main characters:
  • Nelson Mandela
    • child of royalty
    • the country's most notorious outlaws
    • emblem of moral courage around the globe
    • was being elected as president 
    • over 6ft tall
    • mother died while he was in prison
    • son killed in car accident while in prison
    • devoted his life to dismantle the white system
    • Not called nelson until he was 7
    • birth name Rolihlahla Xhosa (tree shaker)
    • born July 18,1981
    • he studied law
    • married Evelyn Mase their daughter died at 9 months
    • 1943 when 25 he joined the ANC
    • Married Winnie in 1958 and had 2 daughter
    • went to prison when he was 44
  • Govan Mbeki
    • oldest of his cellmate group 
    • 83
    • wispy white hair
    • owlish glasses
    • retired professor
  •  Ahmed Kathrada
    • youngest prisoner
    • 64 years old
    • son of immigrants from India
    • earned multiple degrees in prisons
  • All 6 men were found guilty of trying to overthrow the Apartheid Government
Symbols or traditions--rituals.

  • Cell/Cage
  • Humiliation
  • Permission
  • Helplessness
  • Robben Island
  • Tribal Attachment
  • manhood rituals
  • Arranged Marriages

Words or phrases that have a special meaning.

  • Prisoner
  • Permission
  • Reservations
  • Peace
  • Power
  • Apartheid/Apartness
  • White Supremacy

Discuss how the characters respond to their communities and/or change in their environment. What is the main character's flaw?
Mandela responded to his community by standing up for what he believed in, he joined the ANC and fought for justice. His biggest flaw would be making decisions without talking to other people.

The setting - country, tribe, city, state, time period.
  • South Africa
    • 300+ years whites came and took over
    • past half century whites ruled under Apartheid, taking power away from the blacks
  • Robben island 1963
    • Mandela was on a ship chained like a slave, guards took turns peeing the prisoners
    • 1994 Traveling back to Robben Island at the age 75
      • spent 27 years in prison without loosing his spirit
Bring a question.

  • Why didn't the African's come together to kill the white people? I always wondered why, I know the answer may be simple but I never understood, there were more Africans than whites, this question may be answered in chapter 2, but not really I am talking about all the Africans coming together. It's like a What if eve never bit the apple question? What if the Africans stood up to fight and there was never Apartheid/Slavery?
One sentence summary of all four chapter:
  • Chapter 0 of 1: Black & White
    • Talks about Nelson Mandela and his visit back to his prison, talks about the election.
  • Chapter 1 of 2: The Old Men
    • Talks about the Dutch takeover and how the break-up of South Africa began, it talks about colonization and war. 
  • Chapter 2 of 3: Tree Shaker
    • Nelson Mandela starts college, but runs off on summer break when forced into a marriage that he didn't want; on the run he marries a woman and they have four children. He is very active in his community joining organizations and things the ANC to be exacted. 
  • Chapter 3 of 4: Apartness
    • This chapter talks about the Apartheid and White supremacy. It touches on Mandela's influence and convention as well as his life and the life of other Africans. This chapter mentions all the laws passed under the Apartheid.