Friday, February 5, 2016

Things Fall Apart Chapters 7-13

Main Characters:

  • Ikemefuna
    • Was full of life
    • Became deeply involved in his new family
    • Was like an older brother to Nwoye
    • Died in chapter 7 (was killed)
    • Died thinking of Okonkwo as a father
  • Okonkwo
    • Took part in the killing of Ikemefuna
    • He became weak after the killing of Ikemefuna
      • Was unable to eat and stayed in bed
    • Isn't really close to Nwoye, wishes Ezinma was born a boy
    • was a man of action didn't do too much thinking
    • he took drugs
    • seems to have a tiny soft spot for ezinma
    • had to flee from his clan
    • he commit a female crime meaning it was inadvertent
  • Nwoye
    • the oldest of his brothers
    • Seemed to resemble his grandfather
    • Began to dislike his father
    • He had feelings, something snap within him when Ikemefuna died similar to when he heard twins in the evil forest
  • Ezinma
    • Ekwefi's only child
    • Okonkwo wishes she was born a boy
    • A child with fluctuating health
    • seen as an ogbanje(a child who keeps dying, only to be returned to its mother and reborn)
    • Was a smart girl
  • Ekwefi
    • Very protective over Ezinma
    • Lost 9 out of 10 children
    • Left her husband to be with Okonkwo
    • Was bitter until she had Ezinma
  • Obierika
    • okonkwo's friend
    • Marrying off is daughter
    • Feels Nwoye is similar to Okonkwo's father
    • Feels that what Okonkwo did was wrong


  • locusts-only comes once a genertion for seven years
  • twins-seen as evil
  • Trading for brides(Arranged marriages)
  • Court hearing for men who beat their women
  • Women- symbolize something but idk what
  • Isa-ifi- a ceremony that shows that the wife hasn't been unfaithful (still virgins i guess)

Words or Phrases with special meaning:

  • "If I fall down for you and you fall down for me, it is play"(73) Talking about how marriage should be
  • "Watching your mouth"(71) Similar to modeling
  • Iyi-vwa- a special stone that links the wicked child to the spirt world

How the characters respond to their community and/or change in their environment. What are the main characters flaws?

  • Okonwo's flaw is that he is too worried about his self image

Identify the setting:

  • A little village called Mbanta, located beyond Mbaino

Question: Is Nwoye starting to develop the same relationship towards his father, that his father had towards his grandfather?

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