Monday, April 25, 2016

A Lesson Before Dying: Chapters 11-21

Identify main characters.

  • Jefferson
    • Sees himself as a hog
    • has no hope for the future
    • Doesn't take care or himself
    • He's ready to die
    • Out of a bag like a hog
    • has a dead face expression
      • Cynical grin
    • Was baptized at 11 or 12
    • Didn't keep his faith
    • has a  nonchalant attitude
    • Shows a hate for the reverend 
    • doesn't show any feelings
    • keeps saying he didn't ask to be born
    • Is really hurt, but doesn't express it very well
    • He is losing weight
    • is set to die the second Friday after easter, April eighth
  • Grant
    • Trying to convince Jefferson he's a human
    • Wants to get away but doesn't want to get away
    • Loves Vivian 
    • Is conflicted with the love he has for his people and the hate he has for the place he lives
    • Stopped going to church, and "stopped" believing
    • Short tempered at times
      • but cannot stay angry long
    • cannot believe in anything 
  • Vivian
    • Loves Grant but loves her children more
    • Taught 6th nd 7th graders
    • had beautiful and even teeth
    • Catholic
    • Married a dark skin boy while attending Xavier University in New Orleans
    • From Free LaCove, a place that doesn't really care for people of color
    • Her family had nothing to do with her children or her husband
    • Has good manners
    • Seen as a lady of quality
  • Miss Emma
    • Sick
    • Really wants Jefferson to know he is a man
    • Is very hurt for Jefferson's situation
    • Whats him to change before she dies
  • Grant's aunt (Tante Lou)
    • Doesn't look at him anymore on Sundays
    • strong wheeled
    • doesn't want Grant to leave
    • Knew how to get under your skin
  • Reverend Ambrose
    • short and very dark
    • was not educated 
    • was the plantation pastor
    • had a bald head, a shiny bald head

Identify symbols or traditions--rituals.

  • Prisoners
  • The sycamore tree
  • Pale-blue sky
  • Corn
  • Christmas Plays
  • Jackie Robison
  • Cold, depressed cell uptown
  • Determination sunday, the third sunday of each month
  • Darkness
  • Chains
  • Easter
  • Execution/death

Identify words or phrases that have a special meaning.

  • Youmans-humans
  • 'termination song'

Discuss how the characters respond to their communities and/or change in their environment. What is the main character's flaw?

  • How grant responds to his environment is he hates it but he continues to stay, he knows that there is more to be done to his home and he just cannot leave no matter how much he talks about it he always comes back. Grants biggest flaw is not making the best out of his situation, he's always complaining. 
  • How Jefferson responds to his environment is he doesn't he is very nonchalant and withdrawn from his setting. His biggest flaw is not knowing that he is a man and no matter what he will always be a man

Identify the setting - country, tribe, city, state, time period.

  • The setting is still the same Louisiana

Bring a question.

  • Why doesn't Grant leave?

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