Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Passing: Part 2- Re-encounter

Identify main characters.
  • Irene
    • Feels humalited by Clare
    • Felt as if she couldn't betray Clare
    • Felt for the race, her race
    • Has warm olive skin
    • Quick to anger
    • not one to cry
  • Clare
    • Annoying
    • Bitter
    • Doesn't care for other's suffering
    • wanted her cake and wanted to eat it as well, but also wanted to eat other peoples cake as well
    • Clare didn't care for the race just herself
      • Margery, Clare's daughter only child
      • went to school  in switzerland
    • wanted to be on the black side agian
    • Discovered that some colored men where supieor to white men
    • Got along well with Ted and Junior
    • Had a thing for Brian
    • Do anything to get what she want's doesn't care
  • Brian
    • Still had the power to disconcert Irene after years together
    • Was of a darker complexion 
    • Has an amusing smile, faintest bit supercilious
    • Extremely good looking
    • Deep Cooper colored skin 
    • Wanted to go to Brazil
    • Hates sick people, but is a Doctor
    • Have had affairs in the past
    • Had a thing for Clare
  • Ted
    • Deceptively gracious
    • speculative and withdrawn
    • was more like his father
  • Junior
    • Going to fast in school for Irene
    • Not eleven yet
    • Junior seems like Brian's favorite
    • Serious
    • Positive
    • Tall for his age
    • like is father in features and color
    • had a temper like Irene
  • Hugh Wentworth
    • a white man that went to a black dance
    • an author
    • married to Bianca

Identify symbols or traditions--rituals.
  • Race
  • Skin
  • N.W.L. Dance (negro welfare league)
  • White people coming to black affairs

Identify words or phrases that have a special meaning.
  • Sheba

Discuss how the characters respond to their communities and/or change in their environment. What is the main character's flaw?

  • Clare, not being content with the life that she ideally choose for herself. 
  • Irene be conflicted with passing.not standing up to Brian when she feels there is a problem, putting up with Brian's cheating.

Identify the setting - country, tribe, city, state, time period.

  • New York, Harlem 1920's

Bring a question.

  • Why does Clare want so bad to be with Negros if she has a "good life" passing, if passing is something that she wanted to do?

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