Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Passing: Part 1- Encounter

Identify main characters

  • Irene Redfield's
    • A year or more older than Clare
    • "Rene"
      • Junior Irene's Son
        • Wanted mechanical airplane
      • Ted Irene's Son
        • Wanted drawing book
    • Married to Brian
    • Passes only sometimes
    • Has a thing for Clare????
  • Clare Kendry
    • Daughter of Bob Kendry, the Janitor 
      • Bob Kendry killed in a saloon fight
    • 15 when father died
    • Self
    • Cold
    • Harsh
    • Catlike
    • beautiful 
    • has dark almost black eyes
    • wide mouth like a scarlet flower
    • ivory skin
    • A year or more younger than Irene
    • married to a white man who doesn't know she's black
    • Married to John bellow
      • John bellow
        • racist white man
        • calls Clare nig
        • doesn't know she's black
        • has a daughter with her
  • Gertrude
    • married to Fred
    • Married to a white man, who knows shes black
    • has twins

Identify symbols or traditions--rituals.

  • Letter From Clare
  • Passing

Identify words or phrases that have a special meaning.

  • Negro
  • Passing
  • Nig.

Discuss how the characters respond to their communities and/or change in their environment. What is the main character's flaw?

  • Clare and Irene respond to their environment differently but similarly. They both pass but Clare more than ever.  Clare's biggest flaw is being selfish and determined to get what she wants no matter what. Irene's flaw would be not speaking out on how she really feels. 

Identify the setting - country, tribe, city, state, time period.

  • New York 1920's

Bring a question.

  • Are Clare and Irene secret lovers? 

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