Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Passing: Part 3- Finale

Identify main characters.

  • Irene
    • didn't feel in the christmas spirit
    • very weary and depressed
    • was beggining to get jelouse of clare
    • didn't want her family broken up
    • conflicted in telling Jack about her
    • wished she wasn't born a negro
    • unable to hurt her race by telling on Clare
    • Pushed Clare out the window
  • Clare
    • her mental and physcial languor receded
    • seen as an obsticle in Irene's eyes
    • wanted to abandon the life she made for herself
    • wanted to move to harlem
    • Died by getting pushed out the window
  • Brian
    • Unhappy
    • Restless
    • Withdrawn
    • he had violent outburst
    • wanted to be somewhere else

Identify symbols or traditions--rituals.

  • Lynching people of color
  • the glass that irene broke

Identify words or phrases that have a special meaning.

  • nigger

Discuss how the characters respond to their communities and/or change in their environment. What is the main character's flaw?

  • Clare wanted her cake and wanted to eat it too, she got pushed out the window, being very self centered and not caring about her daughter. 
  • Irene, cared so much for her race that she let her self down, and did what ever she had do to keep her family together, she pushed Clare out the window. 

Identify the setting - country, tribe, city, state, time period.

  • New York, Harlem 1920's around Christmas(December)

Bring a question.

  • Why did Irene allow Clare to get so close to her husband?

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