Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lucy Delaney's From the Darkness Cometh the Light: Chapters 1-3

Main characters:

  • Lucy
    • a slave
    • the narrator
    • determined not to be sold and whipped
    • treated unfairly because mother isn't a slave
    • didn't understand slavery at a young age
    • wanted to escape with sister
    • was a child
    • was never taught to be a slave
    • referred to herself as ignorant
    • viewed herself as hopeless and ignorant 
  • Polly Crocket
    • Lucy's mom
    • kidnapped
    • sent to the state of St.Louis
    • Married Apollo
    • mother of Nancy
    • didn't want her children to continue in slavery encouraged daughter Nancy to run away, and she did very successfully
    • sued for her freedom and won, was able to prove she was kidnapped
  • Mr.Mitchell
    • superintendent of Indian affairs
    • doesn't really care for slavery
  • Mrs. Mitchell
  • Major Taylor Berry
    • A wealthy man
    • married to Mrs. Franny Berry
      • she remarried, then died
    • died in a fight
    • in is will set all his slaves free
  • Mary
    • Major Berry's daughter
    • Married H.S.Cox
    • Took Nancy with them on their honeymoon, there she escaped
    • Mrs. Cox commenced house keep
    • she entertained lavishly
    • Turned on polly

Symbols or traditions--rituals:

  • Darkness
  • Slavery
  • Freedom
  • Whipping
  • Nigger hunters
  • Bloodhounds

Words or phrases that have a special meaning:

  • Freedom
  • Slavery!

Discuss how the characters respond to their communities and/or change in their environment. What is the main character's flaw?

  • Lucy's flaw is that she is a slave, and doesn't really know what to do or how to do the work that they ask. Also talking down on herself calling herself ignorant

Setting - country, tribe, city, state, time period:

  • 18-- State of Illinois

Bring a question.

  • If the rule is that whatever your mother is born, then you are then why is Lucy still a slave although her mother is free?

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